Thursday, May 5, 2016

Những thức ăn ít calories và làm tan mỡ

            Grapefruit has gotten a sort of gimmicky reputation thanks to the uber popular but ultimately failed grapefruit diet that circulated the internet a few years back. This failed diet doesn’t disprove how effective grapefruit is when used as a metabolism booster. This citrus laden fruit is filled with fiber t hat leaves you fuller for a longer period of time. The galacturonic acid inside of the grapefruit also helps your body breakdown stored fat in your body. Adding a grapefruit to your breakfast routine could go a long way toward cutting the LBs and looking better than ever.

Trà xanh 
When speaking comparatively, green tea is goign to beat the heck out of most common beverage options available in the grocery store. From pop to sugar filled juices, there are very few ready to drink consumables that will help your metabolism. Green tea is a great replacement to coffee because it doesn’t rely on caffeine in order to boost your metabolism. A chemical called EGCG boosts the activity inside of your brain, kickstarts your nervous system, and starts the burning of calories that will last throughout the day. Green tea is a bland drink but can be spiced up with minor amounts of honey for a tasty lunch beverage.

At this point in the scientific advancements of nutrition salmon should be a staple in the diet of most people. This fish is full of great oils, nutritious, and loaded with Omega-3 Fatty Acids. Salmon helps to reduce your bodies leptin hormone levels and in turn prompts your body to burn more calories. Not only will eating salmon instead of red meat, for example, help you lose weight but it will also do wonders for your hair and skin. If you don’t like the taste of salmon or just fish in general you can instead opt for fish oil capsules. These capsules are easy to consume, lacking in odor, and an effective replacement for the actual salmon itself.

Oranges are a popular snack that have been the cornerstone to on the go lunches forever. This citrust fruit is stocked full of vitamin C that helps you to metabolize fat quicker than ever. Your daily dose of vitamin C should sit at 60 MG per day but if you consume upwards of 500 MG then you can see your fat burning abilities boost by almost 50%. Eat an orange with your pre-workout meal and reap the benefits when you start to sweat over the machines for the next hour. Studies show that eating oranges for 12 weeks will result in rapid weight loss.


Just about any kind of berry will be at home in your metabolism boosting diet but we highlighted raspberries for a reason. Raspberries contain 8g of fiber by the cup and sit at only 60 calories per serving. This sweet little snack is perfect to round out on the go lunches or to add in the repertoire of picky eaters. Raspberries are sweet and easy to eat and most of all affordable at the supermarket. Stock up on raspberries or any other berry that is high in fiber (strawberries, blueberries) in order to reap the benefits down the line. To make this a minor treat add a little bit of whip cream and oats to your bowl. The oats will boost your fiber content while the whip cream will add some sweetness.

Garlic, though foul smelling, should be considered a must add in your diet. Garlic is full of health benefits that range against disease fighting all the way to immunity boosting. Not to be skimped over ,garlic also helps you to shed weight. Garlic is found in many common daily foods that lead to the body’s production of fat. Don’t eat garlic by the clove, however, as you must still opt for moderation. Add garlic to your pasta dishes as a way to get a lot of flavor while also doing your body a big favor. The Journal of Nutrition shows a direct link with calories burned during daily activities and meals that included garlic that were consumed prior to said activities. Make sure to bring some minty gum to get the smell out!

Trái bơ 
You will never meet another person more in favor of the avocado and it should be in every weight loss plan and guide on how to lose weight. Avocados are high in fat but it is monounsaturated fat which is great for your body. The fat in avocados helps to raise your metabolism while dealing you a healthy serving of protein, fiber, and fat all in one tasty and handheld green skin. Make guacamole with low fat ingredients or merely add avocado to your sandwiches in order to get an instant boost to your diet.

                              Jalapeno Poppers

If you don’t mind adding a little bit of heat to your diet then consider Jalapeno poppers. Jalapenos are full of a chemical known as capsaicin that does wonders to your metabolism. The chemical will increase your heat rate, boost your metabolism, and make enduring the heat of the pper well worth it by the time you are done. Avoid heavily fried poppers, however, as they are heart attack traps waiting to happen. Opt for oven cooked snacks for the best middle ground between effect and tastiness.